Circular Economy

Stainless steel is a sustainable material by definition

To ensure sustainable growth, it is essential to make efficient use of resources and to promote initiatives that contribute to the shift from a traditional linear economy model to a circular economy model.

Diagram of the circular economy

diagrama economia circular eng
Responsible Chromium, acting now for tomorrow

NAS, as part of the Acerinox Group was recognized with the Responsible Chromium award after having been successfully assessed by the independent CSR rating agency, Ecovadis, and for going beyond the standard requirements, paving the way towards responsible action. More specifically, Ecovadis recognized the Group’s achievements in sustainability by awarding it the Gold seal.

NAS’s objective

target icon

Reduce by 90% the waste sent to landfill by 2030, using 2020 data as a reference point.

Best practices

Aerial view of NAS plant

Kentucky Excellence in Environmental Leadership

NAS is also a great recycler of scrap metal, and advocates reducing waste generation, reusing materials and separating metallic and non-metallic materials. NAS is one of the first members of the Kentucky Excellence in  Environmental Leadership (KY EXCEL) program and has reached the Master membership level.